Monday, October 15, 2018


In just four weeks my book, Benjy and the Belsnickel, will be released to the world. It’s exciting and scary but I can’t wait to hold the book in my hands. Until now it has seemed like a dream, but reality is upon me as the weeks slip away.
I am delighted to be able to share the story of Benjy with my readers. The book is a historical fiction which means I had to do careful research of the 1930s time period to accurately portray the characters and the setting. Adults will enjoy and relate to the history surrounding the book.
Benjy is a prankster who comes to fear a visit from the Belsnickel. While he knows right from wrong, the prankster in him has a hard time saying “no” when an idea bubbles up inside him. The book, written for kids 7 to 12, will grab the attention of the young reader with giggles and laughter.
However, Benjy comes to learn that the Belsnickel is not a fable but a frightening creature that leaves this talkative boy somewhat speechless.


Benjy and the County Fair II

I am so happy and proud to announce that I have been offered a contract for my second Benjy book, Benjy and the County Fair. While it is a s...